Wednesday, December 15, 2010

When's The Last Time You Asked?

"The LORD has an indictment against Judah and will punish Jacob according to his ways; he will repay him according to his deeds." — Hosea 12:2, ESV

When is the last time that you asked? It can become so easy to remember that I'm forgiven by Jesus that I neglect to ask this question of him on a regular basis.  What question?

What sin is in me that I have not confessed to you? Please reveal to me my rebellion so that I can repent from it.

As Christians, we need to be asking Jesus if there is anything in our lives that he does not like so that we can repent of them.  We need to ask him on a regular basis if there is anything in our lives that has control of us rather him.  I believe that I'm forgiven completely, because of Jesus.  However, I do not want anything to get in the way of my intimacy with my Savior.

You may say, "I'm a child of God.  I don't need to ask that anymore.  He loves me."  You are right about the last part of that statement.  In Hosea, God has an indictment that he brings against HIS PEOPLE.  Just because you have surrendered to Jesus does not mean that you are perfect.  You're in process (sanctification).  You haven't arrived.  If you're reading this and disagree with that statement, you are the one to be most pitied (read Romans 7:15-25 to be reminded of the battle that you still wage).

Christians: Ask Jesus today the question above.  Then sit quietly and wait for the answer.  He will reveal.  He will punish.  He will discipline.  But realize: he will only do this because he absolutely loves you and knows that the goal of sin is to completely destroy you.  We do have an amazing God that we follow.

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