Thursday, December 2, 2010


I had a young man come up to me last night after FLOOD to share with me that God had really spoken to him during the message.  I asked him to send me what happened so that you too could be blessed by what he experienced.  Keep on praying.

"I just want to say how awesome it was tonight how God used you to change my heart during your sermon of ways God speaks to us.  See, I haven't even had my ears really open at all to him for several weeks.  And I let my heart turn cold to other people and just went through the motions of my life.  I've been skipping going to church on Sundays, skipping going to the gym, and putting off important things that I should be doing and instead sticking to spending time pretty much doing nothing or meaningless activities.

"With a mindset and living like that of course I felt miserable and empty.  I wanted a quick fix from Jesus, however I still didn't really want to listen to what he wanted from me.  But tonight he decided to speak straight to me and told me through your message to listen to him and I immediately felt a warmth in my heart of God's love that felt like walking inside to a warm house from a cold winter night, and I remembered all of the things I was putting off and ignoring that God wanted me to do.  It's amazing how even though I pushed him away he still wants a relationship for me and will overcome my bitterness and laziness with his love."

I was so blessed by this.  I pray that you are as well.

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