Sunday, January 31, 2010

Students Are Better At Ministering to Students, So Let Them Loose

I was so pumped up today after my meeting with our student leaders. We had a great time planning out the upcoming retreat, sharing stories, and sharing our quiet time lessons. These students rock!

However, after the meeting Erik, one of my volunteer crew members, told me about three high school guys in the ministry who were interested in student leadership but really wanted to meet with me to talk about taking a true leadership role in the ministry. My reaction: I WAS SO STINKIG PUMPED UP! Students are the best ministers to students.

As youth workers, we should be encouraging students to dream as big as Jesus is and then give them the reigns to make that God-sized vision become a reality. Of course we guide, but that is not synonymous with control. Everyone wants to live for something bigger than themselves. We can keep doing everything and we will continue to produce consumers or we can encourage students to truly follow Jesus so that they can experience the abundant life that he came to give.

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