Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thankful While In The Storm

"And when he had said these things, he took bread, and giving thanks to God in the presence of all he broke it and began to eat." - Acts 27:35, ESV

Paul is on a boat that is being driven by the storm. The sailors have lost hope. They haven't eaten for 14 days. All sense of survival is gone. It's just a matter of time when the boat would run aground and all would be lost or people would begin to die. Except for this: Paul had been told by God that all on board would live. Paul had an appointment, divinely scheduled by Christ to stand before Ceasar. Paul would make that appointment because he knew that nothing can stop the plans of God. So because God told him that he would live, Paul had hope. He had so much hope that he told everyone to eat. And before they ate, he gave thanks in the presence of everyone there.

Are you in the midst of a storm? I know it's hard to stay positive during them. But I'm not counseling anyone to be positive based on a positive outlook. Rather, I'm encouraging you to strive to see from God's perspective what is actually happening or going to happen during and after that storm so that in the midst of it you can truly be encouraged and thankful, convinced that God is in control. Paul was not promoting self-help here. Rather, because of his divine perspective, he was thankful because he knew that God wasn't finished with him just yet.

Know this: storms will come, but they will never overpower the plans of Jesus. Our job in the storms is to seek Christ's perspective and obey his will. He will bring us through perfectly.

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