Monday, February 21, 2011

Update and Prayer Requests

TO: My Prayer Team

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! Last week was unbelievable when it comes to what Jesus accomplished.

God spoke in a powerful way last Wednesday night at FLOOD as we continued through the book of James. We had taken a couple of weeks off from James, as I sensed God's leading to focus on a couple of other topics. However, this week he picked up where he left off and he was amazing.

On Thursday, I spoke at the MOMS group at PFB, and I had a blast. That group of women are so teachable and desire so much for their children to love Jesus. I was truly blessed.

This past weekend, I spoke up at a youth discipleship retreat in Ukiah, CA. It was ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING to see Jesus show up and show off. On Saturday night, there were about 30 students who came forward and knelt at the steps confessing and professing Christ in some way. Some were surrendering to Christ for the first time. Others were "rededicating", while others were coming forward for prayer as they confessed their brokenness. It was beautiful.

Thank you so much for praying. Here's how you can pray for me this week:

1). This Wednesday night I am NOT speaking at FLOOD. My buddy Chris Simning will be speaking. I am so excited because Jesus says things through Chris that he can only say through Chris. If there is ever a week to come and visit, or to watch online, this Wednesday night is the week. Please pray for him.

2). This Friday night, and all-day Saturday, I am teaching at a small college retreat in Crestline. This is always a special time as I get to partner with Ryan Hall and his college ministry.

3). Sunday morning I get to speak to the high schoolers at PFB who aren't able to go on the high school retreat this year. I am SO excited to get to teach in there again. Please pray for me as I pray through and prep that message. And while you're praying, please pray for the high schoolers of PFB who will be at the retreat this weekend. Please pray for huge life-change to occur, resulting in genuine community within the high school ministry.

Thank you so much for your prayers. I cannot adequately put into words what you all mean to me.

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