Monday, January 28, 2013

Thank you and Here's How To Pray This Week

Hi all,
I just wanted to thank you for praying. I wanted to share four photos with you that will describe how IGNITE went.

This was honestly one of the most powerful worship times that I have ever experienced. It was an incredible night. Thank you for praying.

Here's how you can be praying for me this week:

1). This Thursday night I am continuing through the book of Acts at FLOOD. Please pray for me as I prep, pray through, and preach this message. We've had a great crowd of people coming out to this. I'm so excited about how things are going so far.

2). On Sunday morning I get the opportunity to teach a small group Bible study at Purpose Church. We are going through the book of Philippians in the next 4-5 weeks.

Thank you so much for praying for me.


  1. Hey Brian can I grab these photos off your blog and post to our youth web page?

    David Arman

  2. Hey Brian can I grab these photos off your blog and use them to promote the next ignite?

    David Arman

    1. ABSOLUTELY!!! I can even do better than that. If you're cool with me having your email address, I can send you the other pics also. Go ahead and email me at
