Monday, April 23, 2012

Prayer for This Week

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What God is up to is blowing my mind. The best thing was this: we saw a young lady stand up to surrender to Jesus. Here is what we have seen God do over the past three weeks alone at FLOOD:

  • 5 people have surrendered their lives to Jesus.
  • 6 people have been baptized.
  • Our attendance has grown so much that we had to move the ropes for a new section in the worship center last week.
And here's the thing: I have no way to explain it except that it's Jesus. He is on the move and I am so excited.

  1. Pray for the 5 people who have surrendered to Jesus over the past three weeks as we begin follow-up and discipleship with them. 
  2. On Wednesday at FLOOD, I will be preaching what I believe to be the most important message that I have ever preached at a FLOOD worship service. The passage is taken from Isaiah 6:1-8 and explains what we SHOULD be overwhelmed by.
  3. On Thursday I will be teaching at the Christian Club at Glendora High School.
  4. On Saturday morning I have the opportunity to partner up with Pasadena Nazarene Church and speak at a men's breakfast for what they call, "Man Church."
  5. On Sunday morning I get to hang with and teach the high schoolers at PFB Church.
Thank you so much for praying. Keep it up. Like I said above: it is absolutely unbelievable what God is up to.


  1. Holy, Holy, Holy...

    1. And it only gets unbelievably amazing after that as well. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! I am so pumped to preach this message on Wednesday.

  2. Brian, if you literally explode while sharing this passage, I will completely understand! It’s straight up powerful! “the whole earth is full of his glory!” …need I say more! But it continues…we are unclean…BUT he takes away our guilt, and forgives us our sins….BOOM! Pure awesome Word! Then Isaiah 6:8 just made me think of the blind beggar in Mark 11:47-52 where the people told him to “Cheer up! On your feet! He’s calling you.” AND the man springs up like a jolly ol’ fella and runs to Jesus, was healed, then followed. Complete devotion! “Here am I!”. Where will he send us? Who cares, he's leading the way and we are surrounded by his glory everywhere and always! So pumped up right now! Bring it!

    1. I know. I'm so pumped up as well. However, I'm also overwhelmed by the magnitude of the message I'm called to preach.
