Thursday, October 20, 2011



I just posted an update on the FLOOD website about last night, challenging and encouraging the people of FLOOD. Click here to read all about it.

However, I wanted to let you know about this. Last night, after preaching from Luke 15:1–7, I did two things. First, I called those who do not have a relationship with Jesus to surrender their lives to him. No one stood up. However, the second “invitation” was this: I called them to stand up if they had been “lost” but had realized that they were home. I gave that invitation and all of a sudden, and all at once with no hesitation, between 8–12 people stood up confessing that they were lost and were now home. IT BLEW MY MIND!!!

That never gets old. God is on the move. Thank you for always praying. I cannot put into words how much I appreciate and love you.

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