Friday, March 12, 2010

It Never Gets Old

I know the routine. I've done it for the past five years. What is it? Putting the boys to bed. We have it down. Get pajamas on. Go brush teeth. Read two stories. Lay down with boys for a few minutes (which turns into many minutes because I always fall asleep during this part). Tell them I love them. And then say, "Goodnight."

And then it happened. Dylan said, "Hey, dad." I thought he would be asking me for a drink of water. I answered him. In a whisper he said, "I love you." My heart melted inside of my chest as I said, "I love you too, bud." A dad never gets tired of hearing that.

I can guarantee that our Heavenly Father feels the same way. Tell him that you love him and bless him today.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww.....(sniff)......(tear)..... Love those little blessings in our day.
