Friday, February 19, 2010

You Just Never Know

I was looking through my text messages and saw one from Lyndsey Caruthers, an awesome young lady in the high school ministry I have the privilege to pastor. As I saw her text I just felt a tug on my heart to pray for her. So I sent her the following text:

"Just letting you know, Lyndsey, that I just finished praying for you that you would be blown away by the fact that you are a daughter of The King!!!"

Here is a small part of the following conversation:

LYNDSEY: "Thanks so much Brian. That really means a lot to me! "
ME:" I pray that encourages you beyond imagination. He's nuts about you."
LYNDSEY: "It does. It's insane. I've felt so different lately about him and I love it. I rededicated my life to God a week ago."

I read that last part and went crazy. I didn't even know that this happened. In fact, a week ago was a night that I felt like I failed as a preacher. I was numb as i read her text because I was so excited!

I lectured her about not sharing that exciting news with me and then got back to the celebration.

I was reminded of something today: all that we are called to do is plant and water. Plant the seed. Water the seed. In the end, God causes the growth. God was working when I thought I was failing. God was changing lives when I was too focused on my own. God truly is the Savior. He does not need me, but I am so glad that he let's me play with him.


  1. Hate to say it, but I told you so! How cool of Him to give you a glimpse of His work.

  2. Thanks, Marsha, for not rubbing it in too much. :)

  3. I TOLD YOU I TOLD YOU!!!! SEED SEED SEED!!!! YAAYYY!!! :) That's so freakin awesome!!!

  4. You were absolutely right! Thanks for being obedient to share with me that night that seeds were planted. Jesus is AMAZING!!!!
