Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chains Brokened...

"Chains be brokened. Lives be healed. Eyes be opened. Christ is revealed."

TO: MY PRAYER TEAM - You all Rock!!!

This is my prayer every time that I teach now. I prayed this last night at ELEVATE as we sang the song, "You'll Come." OH MY WORD! Did you know that God takes that prayer very seriously?

After the message I invited students to come and pray with staff members or to take some friends to the cross with them and pray, and they did. One young man broke down and wept in front of the cross while being surrounded by about five guys who were laying hands on him and praying. They stayed there with the Holy Spirit for about 20 minutes. AWESOME!!!

I prayed with a few people as well. One young lady was coming back to Jesus being the priority in her life.

Worship was powerful and passionate as students and adults cried out to Jesus in a way that showed that they actually believe that they are praising Jesus. I absolutely love watching people praise Jesus when they truly believe that Jesus is the audience.

Please pray for me today. I'm going over to Glendora Christian Club to be part of a group of pastors who answer questions sent in my students at Glendora that cause them to doubt the validity of Christianity. I'm really excited, especially because one person said that they are giving us one chance to "enlighten" her or she will "know that God is a lie." I like these types of challenges that people make when they don't know the One that they are challenging.

You are all so wonderful. May you experience God's best for your life today.

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